May 20, 2024

Imagine this: you’re scrolling through your social media feed, bombarded with content. Posts whizz by in a blur of colors and text, each fighting for a sliver of your attention. Suddenly, something stops you.
A captivating image, a thought-provoking headline, a story that unfolds in a way you haven’t seen before. This is the power of a creative concept campaign, uniquely crafted to stand out and resonate deeply.

When you think of a targeted product or service marketing campaign, it’s not the broad strokes of the brand that should catch the consumer’s eye, but the unique twist of the campaign’s creative concept. Like various products under a single brand umbrella, each with their unique packaging to highlight different features and appeal to different demographics, every marketing move should also stand out on its own, supported by what we like to call “creative cracking.”

So, how do you stand out from the crowd and make them stop, read, and want what you offer?

Creative Cracking: The Art of Standing Out

Creative cracking refers to the process of developing a distinctive creative concept that adds a layer of uniqueness and power to your digital marketing campaigns. It’s about breaking through the norm, providing a fresh perspective that draws attention and maintains it, and achieving a high rate of engagement. This process is like how different products under the same brand differentiate themselves through packaging. Similarly, each marketing move should encapsulate a distinct message and visual style that communicates its unique value proposition and resonates with specific target audiences.
A successful marketing campaign must go beyond the typical visibility of the brand. It must be distinctive in its visual presentation and messaging. This requires a deep understanding of the product’s features, qualities, and the demographics it aims to attract. By aligning these elements with a creative concept that pops, the campaign delivers its message with increased impact and memorability.

Create a dynamic marketing campaign highlighted by a unique creative concept that will help you stand out from the crowd.

When to Launch a Creative Concept?

So, how do you know when it’s time to invest in a creative concept campaign? Here are a few key moments:
• Launching a New Product: Generate excitement and buzz around your latest offering with a campaign that speaks directly to your target audience’s needs and desires.
• Entering a New Market: As you venture into uncharted territory, a creative concept campaign can help you build brand awareness and establish yourself as a leader in the new space, enhancing your brand recall.
• Making a Big Announcement: Whether it’s a shift in your industry focus or a strategic partnership, a creative campaign can add weight and memorability to your message.

Create a dynamic marketing campaign highlighted by a unique creative concept that will help you stand out from the crowd.

From Insights to Impact: Our Creative Concept Process

At Oz Global, we understand the power of storytelling real-time marketing. We take a data-driven approach to developing creative concepts, working closely with you to understand your specific needs, target audience, and brand voice. Here’s how we do it –

Laying the Groundwork: Gathering Information and Formulating Ideas
Our approach begins with gathering comprehensive information about your business objectives, the competitive landscape, and your target audience’s preferences. This phase is crucial as it lays the groundwork for crafting marketing moves that are not only creative but also strategically aligned with your business goals.

Visuals and Messages that Speak Volumes
With a clear understanding of your marketing goals and audience insights, we move ahead to shape the visual and narrative elements of your campaign. This involves selecting colors, typography, and imagery that align with the brand’s identity while introducing something new and exciting. Continually experimenting and testing directions, before zooming in, selecting, and finetuning the winning concept. And a new creative direction (or two) is born.

Concept Ideas: The Survival of the “Fittest”
Once you choose the path that best aligns with your vision, we’ll get working on crafting an engaging campaign that extends across your channels. From a captivating landing page to eye-catching social media banners, every touchpoint will, from this moment on, speak the same creative language, cementing your brand identity, generating buzz, and driving high-rate engagement.

Bringing Creative Concepts to Life
After finalizing the design, we bring the creative concept to life across various platforms and touchpoints. Whether it’s digital ads, social media content, or physical marketing materials, every element is designed to reflect the unified creative concept, ensuring consistency and boosting brand recall.

Why Creative Concepts are Marketing Gold

To break through the noise and engage professional audiences effectively in B2B marketing, creative concepts are a must. With innovative marketing strategies, that tap into your audience’s emotions (emotional appeal), a standard product launch can turn into a compelling business story that lands on the desks of decision-makers.

Creative concepts help to raise the perceived value of a product or service and build meaningful connections with your customers, driving conversions and strengthening long-term partnerships. By prioritizing creativity, B2B companies can make sure their marketing efforts are seen, remembered, and acted upon.

And don’t forget the power of a clear call to action (CTA) during a targeted product or service marketing campaign! Whether it’s encouraging a visit to your dedicated landing page, downloading your white paper, or signing up for an upcoming webinar, a strong CTA will ensure your audience knows exactly what you want them to do next.

Your Story, Amplified

Employing a unique creative concept does more than just attract attention, it amps up all your marketing efforts, by –

– Standing out: It separates your campaign marketing moves from your ongoing brand marketing programs, helping your campaign stand out.
– Boosting Engagement: Adding visually appealing and message-oriented concepts helps make a campaign more memorable and engaging.
– Building Long-term Brand Recall: Just as unique packaging can make products memorable, unique creative concepts can help marketing moves linger in the minds of consumers, helping to achieve long-term brand recall.

Create a dynamic marketing campaign highlighted by a unique creative concept that will help you stand out from the crowd.

A Final Thought

For a marketing move to be successful, it needs a strong creative element. In the same way that different products of the same brand thrive in unique packaging, each marketing campaign needs its own creative concept to make sure it speaks directly and powerfully to the target audience. Not only does it boost visibility, it leaves a lasting impression.
So, are you ready to break free from the monotonous scroll and make a lasting impact? Let us help you develop a creative concept campaign that gets noticed, remembered, and drives real results.

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OZ Blog Discovery Blogimages 2024 v2

Even Great Content Can Miss the Mark and How a Strategy Pause Can Make All the Difference

Liron Ramot
, 22/09/2024

Digital marketing is essential for B2B companies to reach their target audience, generate leads, and stay competitive. Many lack the resources to handle it in-house, making outsourced digital marketing a valuable solution.

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Even the most well-crafted content can sometimes fail to deliver the results you want. As our world gets more digital, it’s not uncommon for businesses to pour money and time into creating high-quality content, blogs, videos, social media posts, and eye-catching designs, only to find that their efforts don’t connect with their target audience or drive results. In most cases, this isn't a reflection of the campaign's quality, but a sign that it simply doesn't align with the company's "big picture" and goals. Consider this: A company puts together an insightful blog post packed with valuable information and engaging visuals or an expert educational webinar. The problem is, if that campaign isn’t aligned with the brand’s broader marketing goals and strategy or tailored to the specific needs and behaviors of its audience, it’s likely to miss the mark. Without a strategic framework guiding planning, production, and distribution, even the best campaign can get lost in the noise of the internet, failing to generate traffic, engagement, or conversions. Your campaign could have all the right elements in place - compelling storytelling, high production values, and a strong call to action, but without the strategic groundwork, it is likely to struggle to achieve meaningful results.

Why Often Misses the Mark?

Creating digital content that truly connects with your audience is no small feat. The landscape is crowded, the competition is intense, and audiences are more critical than ever. While many businesses pour resources into content creation, they find that their efforts do not translate into engagement or conversions. Most of the time, it's just a lack of alignment between content and the organization's overall business goals. Without a clear, strategic framework, content can become scattered, inconsistent, and ultimately ineffective. This is exactly why companies should consider stepping back to take a broader view. Rather than rushing ahead with the next campaign or content piece, a strategic pause to reassess and realign can be incredibly valuable. This is the essence of the discovery and study processes, a strategic approach that will build a solid foundation for your digital marketing campaign.   Digital strategy

Understanding the Study Process

The primary aim of the Study process is to provide a focused analysis of your current digital marketing efforts. It’s about taking a step back and evaluating what’s working and what isn’t, allowing for strategic adjustments that enhance performance. This process is ideal for annual strategy reviews, specific campaign assessments, or when there’s a need to refresh the approach to your digital marketing.

What It Achieves?

The Study process delivers actionable insights that help fine-tune your digital strategy. By concentrating on specific areas, such as target audience engagement, campaign effectiveness, or digital content performance, the Study process allows businesses to make data-driven decisions that improve ROI. It helps you understand where your content may be falling short and offers concrete steps to address these issues.

How It’s Done?

  • Initial Consultation: In-depth session to clarify your business’s current digital marketing objectives and identify the key areas that require attention.
  • Targeted Research: Assessing the performance of specific campaigns, audience engagement metrics, and the effectiveness of your content in driving desired outcomes.
  • Strategy Refinement: Adjust and optimize existing strategies based on findings.
  • Implementation and Monitoring: Monitoring and tweaking the revised strategy as needed.
Example: A company uses the Study process for an annual strategy review, identifying gaps in campaign performance and refining their approach to improve results. digital strategy

Exploring the Discovery Process

The Discovery process offers a broader, more comprehensive approach to digital strategy development. It’s designed for businesses that are launching new brands, undergoing a rebrand, or expanding into new markets. The Discovery process is about building a solid strategy that aligns with long-term business goals and keeps consistency across all digital channels. The Discovery process offers a deep dive into your brand’s identity, your market, and your audience. It provides a holistic understanding of your brand’s digital landscape. It uncovers opportunities for differentiation, identifies potential challenges, and sets a strategic direction that makes sure all digital efforts are aligned with your overarching business goals. One of the unique offerings of the Discovery process is the development of a visual language for your digital activities. This component ensures that your brand communicates consistently and effectively across all platforms, enhancing brand recognition and coherence, which is not typically included in the Study process. The goal is to develop a strategy that meets immediate needs as well as positions your brand for long-term success. This process is particularly beneficial for companies preparing for major changes, such as a new brand launch or market expansion.

How It’s Done?

  • Kick-off Meeting: Clarify goals and challenges.
  • Comprehensive Research and Analysis: A thorough examination of the market, competitors, and internal capabilities. Key activities include identifying Buyer Personas, conducting a Competitive Digital Analysis, and performing a detailed SEO review.
  • Digital Strategy Development: Based on the research insights, a full-scale digital strategy is formulated. This includes defining content pillars, creating a media plan, and developing creative visual guidelines that ensure brand consistency across all platforms.
  • Presentation and Implementation: Once approved, the strategy is implemented, with ongoing support to ensure its success.
Example: A company undergoing rebranding uses Discovery to align its digital presence with its new identity, resulting in a cohesive and impactful digital strategy. Long-Term Strategic Value

Why Discovery Is the Better Choice?

While both the Study and Discovery processes offer valuable insights and strategic direction, the Discovery process stands out as the more comprehensive and long-term solution. Here’s why Discovery might be the better choice for most businesses: Long-Term Strategic Value Discover aims to build a digital strategy that will serve your business for years to come, not just address immediate needs. By conducting thorough research and analysis, the Discovery process helps you create a strong, adaptable strategy that can evolve with your business. This long-term focus is particularly valuable in today’s fast-paced digital environment, where trends and technologies are constantly changing. Comprehensive Insights Unlike the Study process, which offers a more focused review, the Discovery process provides a holistic view of your digital strategy. This includes everything from a detailed SEO review to the development of creative visual language guidelines. These insights are crucial for making sure that all aspects of your digital presence. From content to design, everything is aligned with your brand's goals. Flexibility and Customization One of the key benefits of the Discovery process is its flexibility. The process can be adjusted to your specific needs - whether you’re launching a new product line, rebranding, entering a new market, or looking to create a unified visual identity for your campaigns. This customization helps make sure that your digital program is relevant, consistent, and effective.     With the digital marketing arena being so fast-paced, it’s easy to get caught up in the rush to produce content and launch campaigns. Taking the time to reassess your digital strategy allows you to see what’s really working and where you might need to adjust course. It’s not simply about tweaking a campaign here or there, but rather making sure that every piece of content you create is connected to your broader goals and truly resonates with your audience. Whether you’re considering the focused approach of the Study process or the more comprehensive Discovery process, this strategic pause is crucial so your content doesn’t just reach your audience—it makes an impact.    
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OZ Blog Strategy Branding for Healthcare Blogimages 2024 v6

Rules, Regulations & Medical Brands How your medical brand can stand out within the regulatory framework

Nirit Elyovich, MBA
, 15/08/2024

Balancing marketing ambition with regulatory compliance is no easy task for medical brands. Our latest blog explores how early collaboration between marketing and regulatory teams can transform these challenges into opportunities, ensuring your brand stands out while staying compliant. Discover the smart strategies to help your brand shine within the regulatory framework.

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Imagine a ballerina trying to dance with one hand tied behind her back. That’s how it often feels during a branding process at a medical company. The marketing team wants to fly high, while the regulatory team wants to keep your feet firmly on the ground, ensuring you comply with every sentence, word, and letter. There are no good guys or bad guys in this story. It’s simply about complexities of a different magnitude that your brand needs to successfully navigate. It's a story about a road not yet taken.  

When the journey takes an unexpected turn

During branding strategy kick-off meetings, we take a deep dive into your product, technology, and service.  We’re looking for a fresh perspective, a promise not yet made, a story yet to be told. At this point, we get excited as we hear about groundbreaking technologies, solutions, and life-enhancing, life-prolonging products. Our jaws drop. With this WOW feeling, we continue the learning process in which we talk to customers, analyze the competition, and create a multi-participant meeting within the company to fine-tune its significant and differentiated strengths and generate outstanding benefits for its customers. As the process continues, we begin to understand the regulatory limitations. Suddenly, “Cinderella”, your extraordinary technology is being held back by regulatory limitations and is covered with “soot”.  

Understanding limitations and optimizing capabilities

During the process, we’ve heard “It’s a given” or “It's powerful, but I can't confirm it" more times than we can count. Responses like these made us understand there must be a better way.  That’s how our new module was born. It’s placed right at the beginning of the branding strategy process, which sets the stage for an open and guided dialogue between marketing and regulatory early on.

Challenging the norms

This dialogue is about helping the marketing team to understand the limitations in depth, and for the regulatory team to delve into the marketing team’s needs. It’s an authentic dialogue that creates a space to carry out activities that weren’t possible before. Understanding the precise needs opens up new perspectives and enables solutions within the boundaries of regulations. We understand the importance of compliance, but our experience shows that there are many degrees of freedom that are not being tested.

It’s not about overstepping the bounds of the approved claims, but we also don’t want to take a step backward in the name of conservatism.

Sometimes it's a matter of overall wording, sometimes it's just changing one word. It's the little things that make a big difference. Stopping to ask questions often gives you a competitive advantage. Sometimes, there won’t be any flexibility in the claims you make, but at least you’ll know that you’ve turned over every stone.  

Structured and managed conflicts are an opportunity

Remember, whoever sits at the decision-making table wants the company to succeed and do the best they can. Inherently, conflict is not a negative; it can also be an opportunity. Don't let emotions run the process. As we often say, “Don’t be right, be smart!” As with every relationship where there’s an inherent conflict, there’s great value in professional guidance to create the conditions for a productive dialogue. To meet this need, we’ve created a special collaboration between OZ Global B2B and Leap, led by Moran Faibish, who has extensive experience in leading marketing in global medical companies. Moran has hands-on experience in bridging the gap between marketing and regulations to create deep and unique brand promises — promises that aren’t possible without providing an informed and professional framework that enables constructive communication.

Play smart

The more we play smart within the regulatory limits to make the most of your claims, the more we can create a differentiated value proposition that more accurately reflects your breakthrough technology. This is how your brand will shine. We’ll be there every step of the way to guide the process, refine the messaging, and make sure your “WOW” comes through loud and clear. If you’ve nodded your head while reading this, it’s time for us to talk.  
If you’ve nodded your head while reading this it’s time for us to talk.
Nirit Elyovich, MBA VP Strategy Contact Us
Brand Strategies Tailored for Healthcare Companies Moran Faibish Global Marketing and Business Development Strategist Read more
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From Fruit Stand to Frontlines: The Unexpected Journey of the Watermelon Emoji

Rivi Kesten Buk
, 25/07/2024

Navigating digital symbolism can be intricate, but the case of the watermelon emoji adds a unique layer of complexity. It’s a prime example of how symbols can shape online narratives and influence global perceptions. This post uncovers the strategic use of the emoji and offers actionable ways to support pro-Israeli voices in the digital arena.

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But first, a disclaimer: My name is Rivi, and I'm a proud Zionist (I believe in the Jews' right to self-determine in their ancestral homeland).

In recent years, while immersed in the online world of Hasbara, I’ve witnessed firsthand the challenges of representing Israel's narrative in a vast digital landscape. With Jews comprising just 0.2% of the global population, our voice can easily be drowned out in the maelstrom of social media.

This blog post examines a fascinating case study in digital activism: how a simple fruit emoji became a battleground for narrative control. We'll explore the marketing strategies at play and their implications for Israel's online presence. While we analyze these tactics objectively, our goal is to empower pro-Israeli voices in this ever-evolving digital dialogue.

At the end of this blog, you'll find actionable recommendations on supporting content creators who are amplifying Israel's perspective in the online world.

The Roots of a Symbol

As we approach National Watermelon Day on August 3rd, let's slice into a juicy marketing tale that's more complex than meets the eye. It's the story of how a simple fruit emoji became a powerful symbol in one of the world's most enduring conflicts. The roots of this story begin back in the 1960s, when the watermelon, with its colors reminiscent of the Palestinian flag, became a covert symbol of Palestinian identity. Palestinian activists used the watermelon imagery in graffiti and posters, primarily because in 1967, Israel passed a law prohibiting the raising or display of Palestinian flags (which had been canceled, during the Oslo Accords in the 1990s). The watermelon became a symbol of political resistance, and if we fast-forward to today's digital age, this symbol has found new life as an emoji, skillfully wielded by pro-Palestinian activists in their online narratives.

A Clever Marketing Strategy

But here's where it gets interesting from a marketing perspective: the use of the watermelon emoji isn't just a random choice. It's a clever strategy that serves multiple purposes:
  1. Bypassing Algorithms: By using an innocuous fruit emoji, activists can often fly under the radar of content moderation systems. It's a digital sleight of hand that marketers call "Algospeak."
  2. Viral Potential: Emojis are the universal language of the internet. They're easy to use, easy to share, and can convey complex emotions and ideas in a single character. It's virality in its purest form.
  3. Continuity of Message: By adapting a historical symbol to modern digital platforms, the pro-Palestinian movement maintains a consistent narrative across generations. It's brand continuity at its finest.

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The Israeli Perspective

Yet every story has another side. In Israel, where watermelons are a staple of hot summers and where the country produces a whopping 140,000 tons annually, this digital co-opting hasn't gone unnoticed. Enter the counter-narrative: Pro-Israeli social media users have begun their own campaign to reclaim the watermelon emoji. It's not about fruit anymore; it's about identity, representation, and the power of symbols in the digital age. Some Israeli users have started adding emojis of the Israeli flag, watermelon, and yellow ribbon (for the hostages) to their usernames, while others are creating actual content around watermelons: recipe videos, which are inherently popular on social media, featuring watermelons with the Israeli flag proudly displayed in the background. Other users (typically younger ones) are simply riding existing trends, adding watermelon eating to dances, trendy sounds, and more. Some have gone as far as creating simple online games centered around watermelons, while pro-Israeli creators are directly addressing the appropriation of the watermelon as a Palestinian symbol, calling it an unfounded act.  OZ_Blog_Watermelon_marketing insights

Marketing Insights from the Emoji Wars This digital tug-of-war offers fascinating insights for marketers:

  1. The Power of Symbols: Who knew a fruit could carry so much meaning? It reminds us that in the right context, even the simplest symbols can convey complex messages.
  2. The Importance of Proactive Strategies: The pro-Israeli response underscores the need for brands to be vigilant about their symbols and ready to reclaim them if necessary.
  3. Authenticity Matters: The most effective responses are those rooted in genuine cultural connections. Israel's agricultural tie to watermelons provides an authentic base for their counter-narrative.
  4. David vs. Goliath in the Digital Age: The pro-Palestinian digital presence significantly outnumbers the pro-Israeli one. It's a reminder that in the world of digital marketing, it's not always about who's loudest, yet sometimes it is.
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Beyond Emojis: The Real-World Impact

While we engage in digital discourse, let's not forget the real-world stakes. Our brave soldiers are fighting daily to protect our nation and bring our hostages home. This online 'battle' is more than just emojis and trends; it's our way of supporting Israel's narrative on the global stage. As we participate in these digital efforts, we stand united with those on the front lines, showcasing the resilience and spirit of the Israeli people. Every post, every share, is a small act of solidarity that contributes to our national strength and resolve. In this digital age, we all have a role to play in supporting our country and its values. OZ_Blog_Watermelon_the power of digital symbols

Conclusion: The Power of Digital Symbols

This National Watermelon Day, as we enjoy this summer fruit, let's also appreciate the complex world of digital symbolism it represents. It's a world where marketers, activists, and everyday users are constantly innovating, adapting, and yes, sometimes battling, in the ever-evolving landscape of online communication. After all, in the grand fruit bowl of digital marketing, the watermelon has proven it's not just a seasonal favorite – it's a year-round player in the game of global narratives.   Join the Digital Movement Want to show some love to Israeli content creators this Watermelon Day? Here are a few ways you can contribute: 1. Follow prominent Pro-Israeli content creators: Adiel - TikTok Instagram Montana Tucker – Instagram TikTok Baby Ariel - TikTok Instagram Michael Rapaport – Instagram Tiktok Daniel Ryan Spaulding - Instagram TikTok Mia - TikTok Instagram Stop antisemitism – TikTok 2. Like and share posts featuring the "Hebrew Watermelon": instagram instagram tiktok tiktoK tiktok tiktok tiktok tiktok tiktok 3. Feeling creative? Use this trending TikTok sound to make your own Watermelon Day video: Tiktok   Remember, this upcoming Watermelon Day might see increased pro-Palestinian activity on social media. For those of us who are pro-Israel and want to contribute, the methods mentioned above are a great way to start. Every like, share, and post counts in this digital age of narrative shaping. Let's make our voices heard while remembering the real battles being fought and the importance of standing united for Israel.
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